Buzzy Bee and Friends

Buzzy Bee & friends

About the brand

Hi, I’m Buzzy Bee - you’ve probably seen me around. I was created as a wooden toy around seventy years ago and since then I’ve become world famous….well, I pop up everywhere in New Zealand! And I’m slowly starting to spread my wings in other countries too.

You see, I love to tell stories and I love to share stories. I’m actually a radio station host so I often get to talk to kids and hear all their cool stories. I live in a little village called Rolling Downs with my favourite friends – there’s Mary Lou, she’s the town mechanic, Oscar Ostrich the librarian, Trikey Tom the postman, Driver Don the truck driver, Elle-Gator – she’s very shy but a great singer and of course Dorable Duck whose the proudest mum in the world and has three adorable ducklings.

A few years ago (in 2010) my friends at Lion Rock in New Zealand got together with some cool guys at Lemon Sky TV in Malaysia and animated 52 of my stories so you can now see them in 52 little 7 minute videos. Sometimes these videos get broadcast by TV channels in different countries. And soon, you’ll be able to view them online.

The really cool thing though is that Buzzy’s Club give’s me the chance (with your help) to share cool stories with all my buddies!. There’s even an App that’s designed specially to help little kids love to do what I love to do…tell stories and share them. This way we really get to help each other out.

Why not join me and my friends at Buzzy’s Club. You can make a video and share some of your stories with us! See you there Buzzy buddy!

Buzzy bye for now

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