Meet The Characters

Buzzy Bee
Hello everyone. Welcome to Rolling Downs. I’m Buzzy Bee and I live in the Rolling Downs radio station. I’m the host of Rolling Downs Radio and I love it when you buzz me with stories. When you call the flower aerial on top of my radio station tells me I have a caller!
It’s in here that I run my show, check out my sound-mixing desk. Its full of buttons and levers that let me adjust the sound and the pictures that I receive when you buzz in.
Rolling Downs is a wee country village partway between Walkland and Wheelington. It is full of rolling pathways. The Rolling Downs River flows through the middle and Only Tree Hill looks down over the whole village.
My wheeler friends Driver Don, Trikey Tom, Elle-Gator and Dorable Duck and her family all came here from Wheelington. My walker friends Oscar Ostrich ad Mary Lou came from Walkland.
We have lots of fun here as we help each other out and each day we all get together for morning or afternoon tea at the Grand Rotunda and share our stories and adventures.
Now, I know as a wooden bee I should be able to fly really well right? Well, actually, I can’t… and I can’t even land very smoothly!
But guess what…. I’ve got my own band in Rolling Downs. It’s called the Buzzy City Rollers. I’m the drum player. I hope you get a chance to listen to some of our best hits!
I better be off now. Someone’s buzzing in. Buzzy bye for now….
Mary Lou
Hi everyone I’m Mary Lou and i’m the mechanic and general fix it girl in Rolling Downs. I live upstairs from my garage workshop.
I love fixing things. I fixed all the wheels when everyone had a bad dose of squeaky-it-is.
I fixed the clock tower the other day. Actually, I found out that Trikey Tom and Driver Don had hidden a riddle card in it.
I love planning and building things like the time I made a plan to build a giant shoe and a monster music machine.
I love to keep Rolling Downs spic and span.
I’m very organized, but I’ve learnt that sometimes I also need to ask for help and that my friends actually love helping me too.
Better go…toodle loo!
Oscar Ostrich
OK, OK, …my name is Oscar Ostrich and I have feet ….not wheels.
I live on my wind chime. It just hangs out of the sky and floats around the place.
Some times you’d think my feet would be a bit of a problem as the others can go much faster than me on their wheels. But actually, I can do things that the wheelers can’t. And I’ve absolutely mastered the loop the loop. I won the great race last year when I realised I just needed to believe in myself and give it a go!
I look after the library in Rolling Downs, yeah, its fun at the library. Have you ever been to one. You’re missing out if you haven’t. Here’s a cool photo of when I painted it all up to look like a rainbow. You see, everyone told me their favourite colours and I couldn’t decide which one I liked best, so Buzzy came up with the idea to paint it like a rainbow.
I love being a silly billy. Here’s a cool photo of a costume that I made out of junk when I won the prize for Dress up Monday
but most of all I love playing soccer!
Which is what I’m going to do now! See ya later.
Driver Don
Hello there, I’m Driver Don and I love my truck. I love its red colour. I love steering and accelerating and tooting my horn.
I live at the truck stop in Rolling Downs. It’s a great place.
I love doing deliveries in Rolling Downs. One of my favourite things to do is to drive over the swing bridge.
Up and down Rolling Down’s bobbing as I go. I deliver all sorts of things and I don’t like being late, it makes me cross.
Actually some of the folks think I’m a bit gruff, and fair play, I can get a bit scratchy but I really don’t mean any harm. Like the time I got covered in the ducklings kite and they all thought I was a monster! Or when I got covered in paint…blimey.
But I do love that young whipper snapper Trikey, he’s a tiger on his trike alright….I really do miss him if he’s away for the day. We have lots of fun together. Here’s a picture of us when we were the Rolling Downs Riddlers.
Now, there’s deliveries to make so I must away… Te ra for now.
Trikey Tom
Well helloooo there. I’m Trikey Tom™ and I have this cool trike. I can do back skids, front skids, front wheel stands, two wheel stands…its soooo cool.
I’ve got the coolest house to live in, I have this mega cool way of getting to the top. Driver Don has built me this jump ramp for my trike. (Driver Don is my hero!). The jump ramp was pretty scary at first but then I figured out that you don’t know if you can do something unless you try. I canned out badly the first time, but I’m great at it now.
I love my trike so much that one day I did the coolest thing to celebrate my Trike’s birthday. I delivered mystery clues to everyone when I was doing my mail round. Yeah, I’m in charge of the town post office and I deliver the mail most days. I gave everyone a clue that was a piece of a jigsaw. They figured out it was a birthday cake. I got it specially to celebrate my Trike’s birthday. How cool is that!
I’m a bit of a speed king. But I am trying to learn to slow down cos sometimes I break things. And I LOVE winning, but yeah, I know, everything doesn’t have to be a competition. I get it. And I know sometimes I need to give the others abit of a head start.
I’m also a pretty good dancer and I love playing my electric guitar. Better go practice now. See you round.
Dorable Duck
Hello my little poppets, I’m Dorable Duck and the mother of my three adorable little ducklings. I am just so proud of them.
Here’s a photo of when they won the grand parade last year. They are just so clever and we had so much fun making wonderful new flags !
We live in the giant willow tree near the river here in Rolling Downs.
My ducklings are my darlings and we have such fun playing games and having adventures. They are just so well behaved….. (though they do acuse me abit of worry at times…like the time one of them took off in a hot air balloon!).
But mostly they are a great help to me. And they love my cooking! I do love to cook. Here’s a picture of my rotten seaweed cheese cake I baked specially for Elle-Gator.
And here’s a picture of my special surprise pizza. They all ended up loving it once Oscar took the first mouthful!
I am very busy everyday cooking, cleaning, sewing, walking, (well actually wheeling), washing, teaching, tidying and all those other domestic duties one has to tend to, as one does.
And one day I even took over as host of Rolling Downs Radio. Now that was a lot of fun.
Now, must dash…I’ve something in the oven which I’m sure my ducklings will love, bye for now!
Hello everyone, I’m Elle-Gator the Alligator. I live in the underground tunnels in Rolling Downs.
My room is full of lots of things I’ve collected that all have special memories
I’m by far the best swimmer in Rolling Downs. Thankfully one day I was able to save Rolling Downs from the great flood when I helped unblock the plughole that stopped all the rain from going down.
But I’m very shy…in fact I don’t know why I am so shy, but my best friend Oscar has taught me a lesson on how to shoo away shyness.
I love singing though and Buzzy has invited me to be the lead singer in the Buzzy City Rollers.
I really love my music and my books and I love using my imagination. Like the time I imagined that we could create our very own ballet in Rolling Downs…it was magical…
I’d better go now…bye.