Buzzy Bee and Friends

Parents room

BBTV/My Studio Terms of Use

1.         What these terms apply to:  These terms apply to your use of the BBTV/My Studio service when you use that service on our website, or on our mobile or tablet applications.  You must always follow these terms when you use BBTV/My Studio.  If we find out that you have breached these terms, we may cancel your membership straight away. 

2.         Other terms and conditions:  If you browse our website or use our mobile and tablet applications, our website terms and conditions will also apply to you.  Our website terms and conditions are available here.  From time to time we may also offer other products or services or competitions.  Those products, services and competitions will have separate terms and conditions that users must follow.  We may also set extra technical requirements from time to time about the software, hardware and connectivity requirements for using BBTV/My Studio, and/or about how you upload and share content in BBTV/My Studio (e.g. requirements about file size, file type, or maximum numbers of invited guests).  You must follow any such requirements. 

3.         When we can change these terms:  We may change these terms from time to time.  If you keep using BBTV/My Studio after we have made changes to these terms, it means you have accepted those changes. 

4.         Who can set up Child Studios:  You can only set up Child Studios if you are at least 18 years old.  If you are under 18, then your parent or guardian (or another adult, with your parent or guardian's consent) needs to set up your studio for you.  When you set up a studio on behalf of a child, you warrant that you are their parent or legal guardian (or that you have the child's parent or legal guardian's consent to set up a studio for their child) and you agree to be responsible for making sure that the child uses BBTV/My Studio safely, following the law, and following these terms, our website terms and conditions, and any other terms that may apply.

5.         Paying subscription fees:  BBTV/My Studio is a free service. 

6.         Logging in:  When you set up your child studios you will need to choose a username and password for yourself, and one for each child's studio you set up.  It is very important that both you and your child keep your usernames and passwords secret, and not tell anybody what they are.  

7.         Choosing your viewers:  You can invite people to view the content you and your child create in BBTV/My Studio, and comment on that content, by entering their names and email addresses on the form provided (we call these people your "family and friends").  You must only invite family and friends that you know and trust, and that would be happy to receive emails from BBTV/My Studio each time you or your child create new content using the BBTV/My Studio App. 

8.         Content:  BBTV/My Studio is for families and young children.  You must make sure that all of the content you and your child upload and create using the BBTV/My Studio App is suitable for young children to view, and never upload or create anything that might be seen as being offensive, rude, or that might break the law (including by exploiting or endangering a minor).  Because we can't be too careful when it comes to protecting young children, your content must not include nudity of any sort, even if you don't think it is offensive or obscene.  You also must make sure that the content you upload or create using the BBTV/My Studio App will not infringe any intellectual property rights, or rights of privacy or confidentiality owed to any third party, and that you have obtained all necessary consents, permissions and waivers in respect of all content you upload or create.  In particular, you need to make sure that any people that appear in your videos have given their permission; and where those people are under 18, their parent or guardian has given permission too.  We don't usually look at the content our subscribers upload or create using the BBTV/My Studio App (unless you share it with Buzzy Bee), but if we see something that we think is not appropriate (for any reason, including because we think it breaches these terms) or that might breach a third party's intellectual property rights, we may remove it.  If you have any concerns about any of the content you see on BBTV/My Studio, please contact us.

9.         Rights:  You will continue to own all intellectual property rights in the audio and video content that you and your child upload to BBTV/My Studio (which we call "your content").  You give us a non-exclusive royalty free licence to use and reproduce your content without limitation, in order to provide the BBTV/My Studio service to you, or for any other purpose that you expressly give permission for (such as inclusion of your content in competitions or wider distribution).  All intellectual property rights in BBTV/My Studio, and in the additional material that is created in BBTV/My Studio or added to your content using BBTV/My Studio (e.g. credits, titles, a sound track or animations, which we call "BBTV/My Studio content"), will belong to us.  Because BBTV/My Studio is used by families and children, and because the content on it is protected by copyright (and other intellectual property rights), you must not copy any content from BBTV/My Studio (other than your content), forward on or share any content with any third party (other than your content, or as otherwise set out in these terms), allow anybody other than you or your child to use BBTV/My Studio, or otherwise do anything that might infringe our or our licensors' intellectual property rights, without our permission.  So long as you follow all applicable terms and conditions, as well as applicable law, we give you a non-exclusive limited licence to use BBTV/My Studio for personal, non-commercial purposes, to combine the BBTV/My Studio content with your content using the BBTV/My Studio App, to view the BBTV/My Studio content in BBTV/My Studio, and to use BBTV/My Studio to enable your family and friends to view the BBTV/My Studio content.  You must not use BBTV/My Studio, or any BBTV/My Studio content, for any other purpose, or for the creation of any materials or works that are derived from, based on, or that include or incorporate, BBTV/My Studio content.   

10.       Cancelling your subscription:  You can cancel your membership of Buzzy's Club at any time and the cancellation will take effect immediately.  

11.       Our liability:  We do our best to make BBTV/My Studio a reliable and secure service, and try to keep it running smoothly.  However, we provide BBTV/My Studio on an "as is basis", and we can't promise that BBTV/My Studio will always be available, that it will be problem-free, or that any problems that arise will be corrected.  We won't be liable for any claims, losses or costs and expenses that arise out of or are connected to your use of (or inability to use) BBTV/My Studio (including loss of data), except where our liability cannot be legally excluded.  We do not make any warranties (except the warranties that we cannot legally exclude) about BBTV/My Studio.  By subscribing to BBTV/My Studio you agree that we are not liable for any of the comments or content on BBTV/My Studio or our website that is generated by our users or subscribers.  Without limiting the rest of this clause and only to the extent allowed by law, we won't be liable to you for any indirect, special or consequential losses, and our maximum liability to you will always be the amount of your subscription fees. 

12.       Security:  We do our best to keep BBTV/My Studio secure, and we use reputable service providers with back up facilities.  However, information sent over the internet can never be completely safe or secure, and we can't prevent or be responsible for interception or "hacking" of this website by unauthorised third parties, or for problems with BBTV/My Studio that arise because of factors outside our reasonable control.  We also can't guarantee that your content will always be available or that it will be stored or backed up as intended, so if any of your content has special sentimental value, you should consider keeping a copy of it yourself.  You must not use BBTV/My Studio for any illegal or improper purpose, including (without limitation) anything that could interfere with, overload, or compromise the security of, BBTV/My Studio. 

13.       Your privacy:  We take privacy seriously, and do our best to protect your privacy when you use BBTV/My Studio.  Please read our Privacy Policy (which forms part of these terms) to find out how we treat your personal information.  

14.       Governing law:  This website is governed by New Zealand law.  When you visit our website, you submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand.