No. |
Episode Title |
Episode outline |
1 |
Forward quack my ducklings are back |
Anna (a young girl) discovers the present she is about to give is broken and seeks Buzzy Bee's help. He suggests using your imagination. He recounts a story of Dorable Duck and her lost ducklings and how they had to use their imagination to coax the ducklings out of hiding. Inspired by this story Anna realises all is not lost with the broken present. |
2 |
Memories |
Susan (a young girl) is moving house but doesn’t want anything to change; she likes things just the way they are. Buzzy Bee recalls a time when Elle-Gator’s memories were cleaned away and how Elle-Gator saw it as an opportunity to create many more memories. |
3 |
Oscars ups and downs |
Dorable Duck tells Mary Lou her answer to Dorable's question is wrong. Mary Lou and Buzzy Bee are confused. They are sure there must be a logical answer. Buzzy recalls the story of when Oscar Ostrich decided there were only downhill’s in Rolling Downs. Parveen (a young boy) buzzes in. He's figured out the answer. |
4 |
Long day |
Mitchell (a young boy) is not happy. He doesn't like day care. The days are too long. The Rolling Downs characters decide they can make the day shorter and have so much fun doing so that the time flies by. |
5 |
Stop that ball |
Buzzy Bee is sure Mary Lou will pick the perfect picnic spot. She's in charge of organising the duckling's picnic treat. Buzzy tells the story of when things went all wrong when he was responsible for looking after Oscar Ostrich's soccer ball. Mary Lou decides the best place for a picnic on a rainy day is inside at Buzzy Bee's House. |
6 |
Shopping day |
Natalia (a young girl) is on holiday at her cousin’s house in Helsinki. She's babysitting her 3 year old cousin but doesn't know what games a 3 year old would like to play. Buzzy bee tells the story about the time that Elle-Gator took on babysitting duties for Dorable Duck's ducklings. Buzzy joins in and they all have great fun playing a game of pretend shop keepers. |
7 |
The Great Race |
Trikey Tom needs confidence to try out the new jump ramp Driver Don has built him. Buzzy Bee comforts Trikey that he's not the first to be scared of trying something new. He tells the story of the day Oscar Ostrich won the great race. Aisah (a young girl) buzzes in with the story of the day she overcame her fears the first time she learned to roller skate. |
8 |
No sharing |
Angelo (a young boy) wants to know if he has to share things. Buzzy decides to find out by trying a "no sharing" rule in Rolling Downs. |
9 |
Mary Lou's mysterious machine |
It’s the holidays and Monique (a young girl) is bored all the time. Buzzy Bee recalls the story of what fun the Rolling Downs characters had when they used their imagination to decide what Mary Lou's mysterious machine was. |
10 |
Cry wolf |
Poppy (a young girl) needs help to stop her annoying little brother from spoiling her big day. He's pretending to be ill so that he doesn't have to go and watch her show jumping. Buzzy Bee tells the story of when the ducklings kept pretending they were in trouble until they really did get in trouble and Trikey Tom had to work hard to convince the others to come and rescue them. |
11 |
Mary Lou's clutter clean-up |
Dorable Duck has no idea what to do with all the old books and comics she has. Buzzy recalls Clutter Clean-up Day in Rolling Downs when each character disposed of something that another found to be of much use. Then, Sarah (a mother) buzzes in with ideas of what she does with her children’s old comic books. |
12 |
All tied up |
Sam (a young boy) needs help to tie his shoe laces. Buzzy Bee offers to help and lucky for him Mary Lou knows how to build a giant shoe. They all work together to build the shoe but Oscar Ostrich falls in, as they tie the lace. Luckily, Sam knows how to "untie" the laces. |
13 |
Trikey Tom's surprise |
Buzzy Bee has found a box of things outside but he doesn't know who they belong to. Cadence (a young girl) buzzes in to see if there are any clues. Buzzy says it’s the second mystery that week and tells the story about the mystery clues that Trikey Tom posted everyone so that they could figure out it was his Trike’s birthday. |
14 |
The big din |
Anabella (a young girl) does not trust her friend Paul when he asks to loan her favourite fancy dress costume for fear he will make a mess of it. Buzzy recalls the story of when Mary Lou, Dorable Duck and Elle-Gator had to trust him not to embarrass them with the song he asked them to sing together at morning tea. |
15 |
Oscar's favourite colour |
Isabel (a young girl) has to choose between going sailing with one best friend or scooter riding with another. Buzzy Bee tells the story of when Oscar Ostrich painted his Library all the colours of the rainbow so he didn't have to disappoint any of his friends. Dorable convinces Isabel that she has to make a choice and be honest with the friend she needs to let down. |
16 |
Ballet on wheels |
Sophia (a young girl) is very disappointed. She loves the ballet but can't go to see it as she lives too far away. Buzzy Bee and the characters in Rolling Downs all band together and create their own ballet just for Sophia. |
17 |
Oscar saves the day |
Charlie (a young girl) finds out her cousins are going skateboarding. She's disappointed because she can only roller skate and skateboarding looks like much more fun. Buzzy Bee then tells Charlie the story of when Oscar Ostrich discovers that walkers can do something’s that wheelers can’t. |
18 |
Driver Don's morning tea |
David (a young boy) needs help to stop his mum forgetting things. Buzzy Bee tells David the story of how Driver Don was so rushed he forgot the scones for morning tea when everyone left it to Driver Don to arrange everything. |
19 |
A rainy day |
Mary Lou is flat out doing things for everybody else but can't see that she needs any help. Buzzy Bee tells Mary Lou the story of how Driver Don once refused a helping hand and almost flooded Rolling Downs when the bench he was trying to get to the Rotunda fell off his truck and blocked the Rolling Downs drain hole. |
20 |
Bed monster |
Luke (a young boy) is afraid there's a monster under his bed. He asks Buzzy Bee if beds have monsters under them. Oscar Ostrich has a bed so Buzzy asks Oscar, who is too scared to look. Meanwhile the duckling’s run away kite gets caught up on Driver Don's truck. The characters are all frightened of the truck monster until they discover it is Driver Don. |
21 |
Elle's spaghetti |
Alex (a young boy) plays the bagpipes but thinks they are not cool and is too embarrassed to play them at school. Buzzy Bee tells Alex the story of when Elle-Gator gained the confidence to sing for the local band, The Buzzy City Rollers. |
22 |
Fly away ducklings |
Alice (a young girl) has a wobbly wheel on her scooter. She doesn’t want to listen to her brother’s warning against riding it. Buzzy Bee tells Alice the story of when one of the ducklings ignored Oscar Ostrich's warning not to go near the hot air balloon. |
23 |
Moving to the groove |
Driver Don and Oscar Ostrich are both struggling to get their jobs done. There's no room on the table to do both things. Buzzy Bee tells them both the story of how Trikey Tom and Mary Lou were struggling to make their song and dance work together until they learned to take turns. A young boy, Tony helps point this out. |
24 |
Missing you |
A young girl, Zadie has a brother who is going to school today. Zadie is sad because she is missing her brother. Driver Don is also sad as Trikey Tom has gone to Wheelington for the day. But both Zadie and Driver Don end up having a fun day doing lots of new things. |
25 |
Driver Don's watcha-ma-call-it |
Scarlett (a young girl) ignores her annoying little brother who it turns out has the answer to where the last piece of her 100 piece jigsaw puzzle is. Buzzy Bee tells Scarlett the story of the day Driver Don lost his wheel and if they had listened to Oscar Ostrich instead of ignoring him, they would have found it a lot sooner. |
26 |
A Christmas Tale |
It is too windy and cold to share Buzzy Bee's traditional Christmas morning tea at the Rotunda. The others rush off, too anxious to open their presents. But they end up quite glum as Christmas Day is spent on their own. |
27 |
Special |
Tim (a young boy) is down, he wishes he “was good at something. Buzzy Bee and each of the characters in Rolling Downs confirm that everyone is special and recount what they are special at (via a song) until the electronics in Buzzy's studio play up and Tim is able to give instructions as to how to fix it, revealing his speciality as a techno whizz |
28 |
Flowers |
Holly (a young girl) is struggling with how to deal with "honesty" - her little sister has given away her necklace - Buzzy Bee recalls to Holly a story of how the ducklings made the mistake of picking Mary Lou's flowers to give to Dorable, but when the owned up, all was forgiven. |
29 |
Home away from home |
Isabella (a young girl) is facing the fear and anxiety of having to change house. Dorable Duck has had a similar experience but after moving in with Buzzy Bee for a while, she learns to love Buzzy's place so much, it’s her home away from home. Seeing Dorable so happy makes Isabella feel much better. |
30 |
Flags |
Debbie (a young mum) needs advice on how to help her son remember to return things. While trying to find the answer, the team in Rolling Downs inadvertently come up with a system for Oscar Ostrich to fly coloured flags so they know when to return their library books. Buzzy Bee suggests that Debbie can use a similar system with coloured stickers. |
31 |
Run away teddy bear |
Kataraina (a young girl) has lost her teddy bear and is sure it has run away though it turns out her mum has given him a wash; Dorable Duck thinks the lost ‘teddy bear’ has stolen her honey, though it turns out she gave the honey to Mary Lou to make honey cupcakes. |
32 |
Clueless |
Buzzy Bee calls Alesia (a young girl) to tell her a series of rhyming clues to find a birthday present that her parents have hidden in her house from the team at Rolling Downs. |
33 |
Racing around |
A youn boy, Cooper has been told by his mum that he has to slow down and be gentler with his toys. Trikey Tom learns the same lesson as he is faced with upsetting all the characters in Rolling Downs when he breaks things by going to fast while doing his mail deliveries. |
34 |
Sing-along Sunday |
Dorable Duck's ducklings ask Buzzy Bee to come and see Dorable's sing-along mirror. Buzzy quickly discovers there’s actually a mystery singer in Rolling Downs. They decide to build a monster music machine to attract the mystery singer out of hiding. When things go wrong and Elle-Gator appears to save the ducklings they see she has her song book and realise Elle is the mystery singer. |
35 |
Bedtime story |
Kirsty (a young girl) is in hospital and sad that her mum and dad can't tell her a bedtime story. Dorable Duck skillfully weaves a wonderfully entertaining story using ideas from Oscar Ostrich and Buzzy Bee’s story attempts. Kirsty and the ducklings end up sound asleep. |
36 |
Collywobble Warbler |
Oscar Ostrich has heard a Collywobble Warbler, one of the rarest birds to have ever visited Rolling Downs, though nobody has ever seen one. Roger (a young boy) calls in to help. He knows they have long trumpet like beaks and like fruitcake. Chaos ensues as the team trace down the bird footprints only to discover Dorable Duck's new cake trolley. Just then they hear the distinctive Collywobble Warbler call, and they all head off in chase, only for the audience to see a bird like shadow approach the unattended cake trolley.. |
37 |
Daddy's present |
Dominique (a young girl) is disappointed that she can't show her Daddy the toy dinosaur she has made him as a present. Oscar Ostrich trys to come up with ways to get a message to her Dad. Finally Dominique realises she can send a message via Rolling Downs Radio. They are all overjoyed when they hear that Dominique's Dad has heard the message. |
38 |
Tip top topping |
Sylvia (grandmother) needs help to think of a special surprise to bake her granddaughter who is coming for a birthday sleepover. Buzzy Bee tells Sylvia the story when Dorable Duck's Ducklings helped Dorable plan a surprise treat. It didn't turn out exactly to plan. |
39 |
The shadow dragon |
Oscar Ostrich calls Buzzy Bee about a new book in the library that teaches you how to make shadow dragons. The rest of Rolling Down’s are convinced they’ve seen a shadow dragon and only when Oscar appears, practising his dragon shadows against a nearby hill do they realise their fear was unfounded. |
41 |
I won, I won |
A young boy, Jasper dials in and is very excited because he is winning at everything and thinks everything is a competition. Trikey Tom displays much the same character. They both discover that when their friends keep losing they are not so keen to play with them anymore. |
42 |
The Grand Parade |
Gracie (a young girl) doesn’t want to wear a "homemade" costume for the school play. Buzzy Bee convinces Gracie to help him judge the flag contest for the Rolling Downs Grand Parade. Buzzy wants everyone to be creative and make new flags, but they all want to use last year’s designs. However after their flag is torn to pieces, the ducklings are forced to create new ones and they all experience the fun of being creative. |
43 |
Shiver, Shiver, Shake |
Anna (a young girl) buzzes in from her freezing bedroom. The power is off and she can’t play her music. She wants tips on how to warm up. Dorable Duck and the ducklings tickle each other and Mary Lou and Trikey Tom sing and dance the Shiver and Shake Song. That’s it, Anna realises she can have music and keep warm if she sings along with them. |
44 |
Puzzling Pieces |
Sandy (a young boy) needs help to build a toy truck but he doesn’t want to follow the instructions. Neither does Driver Don who ends up with his truck covered in paint as he mixes up the parts of Mary Lou's new car wash with Trikey Tom's new paint machine. |
40 |
The Arrival |
A young boy, Ryan is about to have his first day at play centre and he's worried he won't fit in. Buzzy Bee tells Ryan the story of when Oscar Ostrich and Mary Lou first arrived in Rolling Downs and how they made great friends by sharing the things they could do with the characters in Rolling Downs. |
45 |
A promise |
Nigel (a yound dad) buzzes to say he has promised his son that he would ask Buzzy Bee to play a song for him. Buzzy remembers that he has promised to play a special song for Elle-Gator. Buzzy doesn't want to break his promise to Elle but he can't find the record he had promised to play. He needs to call on his friends to help him remember it. Nigel loves it and they all sing it for his son. |
51 |
Shoo away shyness |
Daniel (a young boy) is very shy and him mum has invited a friend around to watch him dance hip hop. Oscar Ostrich tells Daniel about the first time he met Elle-Gator. She was very shy and her music books were her only friends. Oscar invites Elle to sing with his friends, they all help Elle to join in. |
47 |
Homework |
Simon (a young boy) buzzes in. He needs help with his art project. He has to make a wizard hat and doesn't know how so thinks it is very boring. |
48 |
The magic library book |
Elle-Gator thinks she's found a magical book in the library. It made all her wishes come true. Everyone scrambles to find another book for themselves. But Oscar Ostrich soon confesses that he was the one who made Elle's wishes come true. He just wanted to make her happy. Oscar confesses to Elle who forgives him for his intentions were good. They return to the library to a lovely surprise. |
49 |
Rolling Downs riddle day |
Its Rolling Downs riddle day and the answer is found in the riddle. Maddison (a young girl) has found the first riddle card. The team work through a series of riddles until they discover their treat at the end. |
50 |
Pet rock |
Austin (a young boy) has a chrysalis though he doesn't know what it is and his mum won't let him take it on holiday. Oscar Ostrich and Trikey Tom decide the chrysalis is a pet rock and decide to get a pet rock of their own. After a series of calamities the others demand Oscar and Trikey get rid of it. Meanwhile Austin's chrysalis has hatched a beautiful butterfly which is free. He convinces Oscar and Trikey to set their rock free. |
52 |
Head start |
Kym's little brother won't play running races with him anymore. Buzzy Bee decides to set up a race between Trikey Tom and Oscar Ostrich. Trikey always wins and it’s no fun for Oscar who loses all the time. It’s just not a fair contest. Buzzy then finds a solution to make it fun for everyone. Kym understands that making games fairer makes them more fun. |
46 |
Favourites |
Brooke (a young girl) buzzes in. She's disappointed because she's been given a blue drum set when her favourite colour is red. She asks Buzzy Bee if it’s good to have favourites. Buzzy recalls a story where grumpy Driver Don didn’t get to go his favourite way but ended up doing some of his favourite things. Brooke realises it’s drumming that’s most important. |